About Grace
I must confess at the outset that there is no "Grace" at Grace's Places, however I wanted a name that tenants could easily remember. Of course, Grace is arguably an old-fashioned name, and if the name conjures up an image of kindly landlady from a Norman Rockwell painting that's fine too.
In truth, Grace's Places is owned by myself, and when I am not managing my properties I am working as a Toronto-based photojournalist. And while I am not a full-time landlord I am ably assisted by helpers who share my values.
Keith Beaty, President, Grace's Places Inc.
In truth, Grace's Places is owned by myself, and when I am not managing my properties I am working as a Toronto-based photojournalist. And while I am not a full-time landlord I am ably assisted by helpers who share my values.
Keith Beaty, President, Grace's Places Inc.
Grace's History
When I began Grace’s Places in 1994 Toronto's rental market was different than it is today. Strict rent controls which were in place at the time prevented landlords from increasing rents even if they'd invested in major improvements, and given that the vacancy rate was less than 1% many landlords found that even substandard apartments could attract multiple applicants (and many tenants invested their own money in repairs and improvements to their apartments). For most tenants apartment-hunting in the 1990's was a soul-destroying exercise.
Although legislation prevented landlords from increasing rents there was nothing to prevent landlords from reducing costs by making their buildings more energy-efficient. Nor was there anything to prevent landlords from improving the quality of their apartments (and their level of service) in order to encourage long-term tenancies and eliminate the expensive evictions and defaulted rent which at the time cost many landlords a significant portion of their potential income. As it happened, the business model succeeded beyond my expectations. Energy costs have been reduced by 50% and tenancies are longer than the industry average. In spite of escalating utility and insurance costs I have been able to keep the rents "below market" and most Grace's Places apartments can be rented for $750 or less. Grace's Places is and will remain a small company. But it is gratifying that many small landlords have contacted me over the years to ask about my business model, and it is my hope that some have adopted it and that more will do so in the future Keith Beaty Grace's Places Inc. |
Grace's Values
Your apartment should be a pleasure to come home to. All of Grace's Places apartments have been renovated, and even the most affordable units have "upscale" features usually found only in more expensive accommodations.
I believe that tenants deserve to be treated with courtesy and consideration and that the landlord - tenant relationship should be characterized by mutual cooperation and respect.
Many large landlords are publicly-held corporations or investment trusts which have an obligation to maximize income for their shareholders, often focusing on short-term quarterly returns. At Grace’s Places I focus on longer term objectives and have found that these are more likely to be achieved where tenants enjoy good value, so Grace's Places rents are usually significantly lower than "market" rents.
When you call the landlord you get the landlord! Not an agent or a property management company.
Too often small landlords are not equipped to deal with tenants' needs and many have a poor understanding of their responsibilities under the Residential Tenancies Act. At Grace's Places you can expect responsible, ethical and professional management.
Minimizing our carbon footprint
Reducing our need for energy and water helps the environment and results in lower operating costs (and lower operating costs mean lower rents).
Sharing with the community
I believe that businesses have an obligation to contribute to the well-being of communities in which they operate. Some of the intitiatives supported by Grace's Places can be found on the Resources page.