Grace's Places' new web site
I'll admit that this site may not be quite as design-driven or sophisticated as the old one, but it has a distinct advantage inasmuch as I can update it myself. There is still much work to be done, and I hope to have some additional examples of apartments which have been available in recent months. I'm experimenting with different formats for the apartment listings, I need to finish the "Resources" page, and I will be making floor plans available in PDF format.
Eventually I hope to offer video listings.
As always, I welcome your comments and advice.
(In case you missed, the Home page of Grace's Places' former site, created by my friend Elaine Stam, is below).
Eventually I hope to offer video listings.
As always, I welcome your comments and advice.
(In case you missed, the Home page of Grace's Places' former site, created by my friend Elaine Stam, is below).